Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sorry It's Been A While

We ARE still here!!! Myah's been sick the last couple of weeks...:( She's had an ear infection and a uri, now she's got ahead cold with LOTS of drainage, so we're fighting congestion all night long. Sleeping moments are precious and being taken advantage of!! But, I just wanted to tell everyone just how proud I am of my baby girl!! She is not only pulling up on EVERYTHING, but she gas also learned to sit up by herself! Today, I found her walking around the pack and play, obviously using the sides, but she's finding out that she can MOVE!!!! It's fun to watch her! Oh, I almost forgot (this has been a very busy week for her) she's learning how to shake her head "no". "Are you a good girl??" mommy asked her yesterday. There goes the head!!! :P I love her!!!!! She was eating cereal this morning and shook her head when she didn't want anymore. Seriously she never ate another bite! How fun to warch her discover her potential!! Gotta go, she didn't stay asleep very long!:(

1 comment:

ksholli1979 said...

yeah for all the big girl moves! it's scary when they are sick, but you are a good mom! Myah is very lucky! love you and miss you!